A word from Heather on holiday giving
When I was growing up, my church always “adopted families” for Christmas. Through the local food bank, we banded together to provide food and children’s gifts for a bunch of local families that needed a little extra help. Now that Lydia’s is in its second year, I’d like for us to begin observing a similar tradition of generosity, so I asked Rachel and Emily if I could spearhead a little Christmas giving campaign. I think it’s important to think not only of what we’ll be eating at dinner church this Advent, or what we’ll cook with our families and friends on Christmas Day, but also what we can do to make one other table groan, just a little, under the weight of wholesome food this Christmas.
A lot of programs in the city are all about giving presents to needy kids, and presents are a very nice thing, but Lydians focus on the importance of sharing a meal, and I think our outreach should be no different. I invite you to join with me to sponsor a family—just one family—this year. I’m trying to raise $70 so we can provide the following: a turkey, vegetables, stuffing, soup, gravy, fruit, bread, dessert, and an age-appropriate toy for each child under 16. Lookit how far that money goes! Do you think we can do it? I do! All it takes is a little digging in your pocket; we don’t even have to go shopping! St. John’s Bread and Life, the organization through which we’ll be sponsoring a family, does all the hard work, and they do it for more than 2,000 families each year.
When I posted on Facebook asking friends to recommend organizations that do this, several people suggested Bread and Life, but I also got one extraordinary comment from a friend of mine. “Just wanted to say that I was one of those adopted families as a kid and it was the best Christmas ever! You’re doing a great thing.” Though we may never meet them, these are real people we’re helping and we’ll really make a difference. Remember, giving is a spiritual practice.
To contribute, come talk to me (Heather) in person on December 5 or December 19, comment below so I can e-mail you directly, or leave money in the specially designated plate on the welcome table at St. Lydia’s. Since our collective donation has to be in fairly early (so they can shop!), I’m paying on our behalf in advance, so checks can be made out to me to reimburse me (if we get more than $70, I will dance a ridiculous dance at church in January and that money will go to Trinity’s soup kitchen). Remember, this is separate from any contributions you make to St. Lydia’s and does not go toward your annual giving goal. It’s just an extra bit of kindness during a tough time of year.
PS – If you’re looking for another way to contribute, Bread and Life would love the use of your time and hands! On December 11, 12, 18, and 19, volunteers are needed to set up, pack up, and distribute all the goodies.