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Next Garden Volunteer Hours: Saturday, May 19, 10 AM-3 PM

This past week has been a very productive one at the St. Lydia’s Enough for Everyone Garden.  We now have four beds constructed, with three of them filled with soil and compost. Yesterday we planted peas, green and yellow pole beans, red flageolet beans, eggplant, collards, kale, cucumbers and zucchini in the first bed.

This Saturday, we’ll be making a trip to home depot in the early morning to purchase the rest of our soil and compost and some materials for our retaining walls. At 10 AM, we’ll meet at the garden to unload soil, build retaining walls, fill more beds with soil and plant more seeds and seedlings!  Email me at rachel@stlydias.org if you want to come help out, or just show up. Bring gloves, a sunhat and sunscreen, and get ready to make some garden magic.  Everyone who has worked in the garden so far has reported feeling uplifted by the experience, with a mysterious buoyancy in mood and outlook resulting in direct relation to hours spent volunteering.  There’s more where that came from and its ours for free so come on down on Saturday!

Here’s a revised layout of our plan:

Our soil came in the form of a large pile:

Able and ready!

Some treasures unearthed from the lots:

Jason raised the bar of our bed-building considerably:

Mark takes a well-deserved lean in the shade:


The Garden Manager consults his plan:

Bean seeds!

Posted in: Garden

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