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Songs We Sing — “God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending” w. harmony parts

Squeezebox is a place for our Song Leaders, as well as congregants, to learn the songs we sing at St. Lydia’s. Our final hymn for October will be “God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending.”  Links for the sheet music and recordings of the four harmony parts are below.

As always, the featured harmony in each file is panned to the left, with the other three voices panned right.  For purposes of these recordings, the first verse has been harmonized.  When we sing it at a service, we’ll sing the first verse in unison and break out into harmonies on the second verse.  To assist you in hearing the change from the melody line to the harmony parts, each file starts with the final phrase of the melody.

Happy singing!

God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending — sheet music

God, Whose Giving Soprano

God, Whose Giving Alto

God, Whose Giving Tenor

God, Whose Giving Bass


Posted in: Songs We Sing

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