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Bibliography for the Book of Acts

This summer at St. Lydia’s we’ll be immersing ourselves in the Book of Acts — the “sequel” to the Gospel of Luke, in which we follow Peter, Paul, and all the disciples as they tell the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection, founding the church along the way.  The book is action packed (for the Bible) with folks breaking out of prison, being lowered out of windows in baskets, getting shipwrecked and being thrown in prison.


If you’re looking to learn more about Acts, here’s some books you might enjoy:


Acts For Everyone, and the accompanying study guide, Acts: 24 Studies for Individuals and Groups, by N. T. Wright, an Anglican bishop and New Testament Scholar.  Wright goes through the book in sections, giving readers a historical overview while pulling out themes questions relevant to a modern reader.


Women in the Acts of the Apostles by Ivoni Richter Reimer.  Reimer draws on Latin American Liberation Theology, examining the stories of five women who appear (albeit briefly) in the Book of Acts, including our own namesake, Lydia.


Called to be Church: The Book of Acts for a New Day, by Anthony B. Robinson and Robert W. Wall.  This work is the fruit of a interdenominational collaboration of Evangelical, Free Methodist professor and a United Church of Christ pastor, asking what the Book of Acts has to say to today’s church.


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