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Psalm Refrains for Palm Sunday/Monday and Good Friday

Squeezebox is a place for our Song Leaders, as well as congregants, to learn the songs we sing at St. Lydia’s.

Greetings, Song Leaders!

Here are two psalm refrains that we’ll be using on Palm Sunday/Monday and on Good Friday.  The texts are different but the musical settings are the same.

The first text, which we will sing at the end of the Palm Sunday/Monday services and at the beginning of the Good Friday service is from Psalm 42:

When shall I see

When shall I behold

When shall I behold the face of God?


Here is the recording.  When Shall I See — audio

And here is a link to the sheet music.When Shall I See — sheet music


The second text, which we will sing during the Labyrinth walk on Good Friday is from Psalm 22:

My God, my God

Why have you forsaken

Why have you forsaken me?


Here is a link to a recording.  Why Have You Forsaken Me — audio

And here is a link to the sheet music.  Why Have You Forsaken Me — sheet music



Even if you are not scheduled to lead the singing on these days, by taking a moment to learn the refrains, you can help support the congregation as we sing them.


Posted in: Songs We Sing

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