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Songs for Epiphany 2019

Happy New Year! Here’s the music we’ll be singing this Epiphany season, from Jan 6 to March 4.

1) Gathering Song
Arise, Shine
Jyothi Dho Prabhu (Give Us Light)

2) Candle Lighting Song
The Light of Christ Has Come Into the World

3) Table Acclamation
Ordinary Table Acclamation (Scott)

4) Prayer Song
Song Leader’s Choice

5) Offering Song
Mxadana Alleluia

6) Final Hymn

Jan: Be Thou My Vision, recording here, or here (violin and harp by girls with braids in a field!!) sheet music here (scroll down)

Feb: Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise, recording here (hey there big organ!) sheet music here (scroll down!)

Posted in: Songs We Sing

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