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Music for Lent 2020

Lent is the time when we wander in the wilderness together, and find still quiet spaces to listen for the voice of God. Everything gets a little more spare, our music included.

Gathering Song

I Am Here in the Heart of God

Candle Lighting Song

John Bell Kyrie

A Kyrie Eleison, which means, “Lord, Have Mercy.”  This Kyrie is from the Iona Community in Scotland.  Remember to teach the words . . .

Kyrie eleison
Christe eleison
Kyrie eleison

and provide the English translation . . .

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy

Table Acclamation

Lent Table Acclamation

This is simple and spare.  Please note that the words in this year’s script are a bit different.

Regathering Song

What We Need Is Here

This was written by the students of the Episcopal Student Group at MIT. It’s a lovely setting of the first line of the poem by Wendall Berry.

Final Hymn

Bread for the Journey

This is by Bret Hesla, a singer/songwriter from Minnesota and leader of Minnesota Community Sings.


Posted in: Songs We Sing

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