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Pave the Way with Branches (Jesus Is Coming)

“Pave the Way with Branches” is a song by Bret Hesla. As the title suggests, it evokes the Palm Sunday procession.

The music can be heard here.

And here are the lyrics:

Verse 1 (2x)
Jesus is coming.
Pave the way with branches.
Jesus is coming. Hosannah.

Chorus (2x)
Hosannah. Jesus is coming.
Hosannah to the Prince of Peace.

Verse 2 (2x)
Hope for the downtrodden
Pave the way with branches.
Hope for the downtrodden. Hosannah.

Chorus (2x)

Verse 3 (2x)
Land for the landless …

Chorus (2x)

Verse 4 (2x)
Debts are forgiven …

Chorus (2x)

Verse 5 (2x)
Release for the captives …

Chorus (2x)

If you want to sing either the first verse or chorus in Spanish . . . 

Verse 1 (2x)
Cristo ya viene 
con mantos y palmas.
Cristo ya viene hossana.

Chorus (2x)
Hossana cristo ya viene.
Hossana yo lo quiero ver

Posted in: Songs We Sing

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