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Sermons of 2024


Christian’s sermon of 1-7-24 on Matthew 2:1-12.

Christian’s sermon of 1-14-24 on 1 John 4:16-21.

Elizabeth Nelson’s sermon of 1-21-24 on Mark 1:14-20.

Rene Slataper’s sermon of 1-27-24.

Christian’s sermon of 2-4-24 on St. Brigid and Mark 1:29-39.


Christian’s sermon of 2-11-24 on Mark 9:2-9.


Christian’s sermon of 2-18-2024 on Mark 10:13-16.

Christian’s sermon of 2-25-24 on Mark 10:17-22,46-52.

Liz Edman’s sermon of 3-3-24 on Mark 7:24-30.

Pavi Jaisankar’s sermon of 3-10-24 on Mark 14:3-9.

Liz Edman’s sermon of 3-17-24, 2024 on Matthew 16:21-28.

Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday: Christian’s Sermon of 3-24-24 on Mark 11:1-10, 15b-19

Maundy Thursday: Christian’s sermon of 3-28-24 on John 13:1-17,31b-35.


Easter 2: Christian’s sermon of April 7, 2024 on 1 John 1:1-9.

Easter 3: Christian’s Sermon of 4-14-24 on 1 John 2:3-11.

Easter 4: Christian’s sermon of 4-21-24 on 1 John 3:1-7.

Easter 5: Christian’s sermon of 4-28-24 on 1 John 3:16-24.  

Easter 6: Rene Slataper’s sermon of 5-5-25 on John 15:9-17.

Easter 7: Christian’s sermon of 5-12-24 on 1 John 4:7-21.


Christian’s sermon of 5-19-24 on Acts 2:1-12.

Holy Trinity

Christian’s sermon of 5-26-24 on Matthew 28:16-20.

Write It on Our Hearts Summer Sermon Series

Burke Gerstenschlager’s sermon of 6-2-24 on Acts 2:42-47.

Jack Holloway’s sermon of 6-9-24 on Colossians 1:11-20.

Liz Edman’s sermon of 6-16-24 on Genesis 32:22-31.

Christian’s farewell sermon of 6-30-24 on “The Road to Emmaus.”

David Parsons sermon of 7-7-24 on Jeremiah 31:31-34.

Elizabeth Nelson’s sermon of 7-17-24 on Ephesians 3:20.

Mark Gilman’s sermon of 7-21-24 on Isaiah 43:1-3.

Naomi Brenman’s sermon of 7-28-24 on 1 Corinthians 13:4-13.

One Door Closes, Another Opens (…But it’s Hell in the Hallway) sermon series

René’s sermon of 8-4-24 on Ruth 1:15-18 and Genesis 12:1-4.

Jack Holloway’s sermon of 8-11-24 on Jeremiah 22:11-16.

Andi Corso’s sermon of 8-18-24 on Psalm 31.

Burke Gerstenschlager’s sermon of 8-25-24 on 1 Corinthians 12:12-26.

Michael Perreca’s sermon of 9-1-24 on Deuteronomy 30:9-14.

Billy McEntee’s sermon of 9-8-24 on Luke 24:13-50.

Posted in: Sermons

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