Responding to Ferguson and Working for Racial Justice
Monday night news broke that the Missouri Grand Jury appointed to officer Darren Wilson’s case has decided not to indict Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown. Protesters in Ferguson and across the country have taken to the streets to respond to this decision, demanding that Officer Wilson be brought to trial.
How do we build justice in a nation where an unarmed, black teenager is deemed dangerous for simply walking down the street?
How do we change the system?
How can you be a part of creating change?
Here are some ways to support the work taking place in Ferguson and address systemic racism on a local level. At St. Lydia’s, we’ll continue to work locally with groups like Faith In New York to respond to racial injustice over the long term.
- *Be informed. Read Darren Wilson’s testimony and documents relating to the case.
- *Stay up to date at Ferguson Action and participate in local protests listed on Ferguson Response, including tonight’s protest at Union Square at 7:00 pm. Comment on Emily’s Facebook page if you’d like to meet up with her and other Lydians.
- *Sign PICO’s petition for the immediate de-escalation and de-militarization of law enforcement in Ferguson.
- *Read the Don’t Shoot Coalition’s press release in response to the Grand Jury Decision.
- *Attend this December 9 event hosted by Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou, who’s been on the ground in Ferguson for months.
- *Join the #HandsUpDontSpend movement and Faith in New York and refrain from spending this Friday and Monday. We can make our voices heard through economic impact.
- *Diversify your media. Read news sources and opinion pieces by people of color, written for news outlets run by people of color. Start out with Urban Cusp, Colorlines, This Week In Blackness, and The Root.
- *If you are white, begin and continue to uncover the privileges that are extended to you, but not people of color. Explore resources on white privilege. There is an extensive book list here.
- *Give. Giving money is a real, tangible way to support the work that others are going. You can give to to HandsUpUnited, Operation Help or Hush, or the Ferguson Defense Fund
- *Follow all these organizations on social media. Post and tweet with the hashtags #ferguson #michaelbrown and #shutitdown
- *Get to know your neighbors. Stop to talk to someone on the street. Attend a church you’ve never been to. Build relationships across boundaries of difference.
- *And Pray. Pray without ceasing.