April 8th, 2021
Sermons for Lent and Holy Week, 2021
Lent 2
Here are two different sermons from Rick Fabian.
The first is his sermon of 2/28/21.
The second is his sermon of 3/01/21.
The text for both sermons is Luke 4:1-13.
Lent 4
Here is Jack Holloway’s sermon of 3/15/2021.
The text is Luke 6:6-16.
Lent 5
Here is Bob Wollenburg’s sermon of 3/21/2021.
The text is Luke 11:1-13.
Palm Sunday
Here is Liz Edman’s sermon of 3/29/2021.
The text is Mark 11:1-11.
Maundy Thursday
Here is Burke Gerstenschlager’s sermon of 4/01/2021.
The text is Luke 22:1-62.
Easter Vigil
Here is Christian’s sermon of 4/03/2021.
The text is Luke 24:1-12.
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