Archive for the 'News & Updates' Category
December 3rd, 2010
Dear Lydians, As we continue to grow, I’m finding that I need a place to be in conversation with you, the congregation. We have dialogue in the sermon, reflect after worship, and have our Community Meetings, but I feel a need for time to discern and speak together about what we’re experiencing as a congregation […]
December 1st, 2010
When I was growing up, my church always “adopted families” for Christmas. Through the local food bank, we banded together to provide food and children’s gifts for a bunch of local families that needed a little extra help. Now that Lydia’s is in its second year, I’d like for us to begin observing a similar […]
October 26th, 2010
See more pics in the picasa album!
October 15th, 2010
During the month of October, our congregation has had an opportunity to explore what it might look like for St. Lydia’s to be in relationship with the wider church. We’re already in relationship with our local host congregation, Trinity Lower East Side. What would it look like to extend that relationship to the Metro New […]
October 15th, 2010
During the month of October, the congregation at St. Lydia’s has been taking part in a conversation discerning how we might be in relationship with the wider Church. We are already in relationship with Trinity Lower East Side, our host congregation, and through them, to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). But what would […]
September 21st, 2010
Dear Lydians, Last night I made my way to Penn Station and jumped on the train to Philadelphia, a pattern that will become a familiar part of my routine as I begin completing my “Lutheran Year” at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. Completing eight courses at a Lutheran Seminary is one of my requirements as a candidate for […]
September 17th, 2010
Last Sunday we celebrated the one-year anniversary of regular weekly worship at St. Lydia’s. Denise brought amazing miniature cupcakes, and we had an almond raspberry torte contributed by our new friends from New Jersey as well! Here are some photos of our elaborate and unique birthday-honoring ritual:
September 2nd, 2010
Dear Lydians, A little over a year ago St. Lydia’s was little more than an idea. We started our church from scratch: no budget, no staff, just a home cooked meal, and a table in a congregants’ dining room, and a bunch of generous people. It’s been a whole mess of wonderful people giving what […]
August 22nd, 2010
Thanks to everyone who made a financial contribution to St. Lydia’s in the last few weeks in an effort to help us close our summer gap. I am pleased to announce that we surpassed our goal, raising $3,176 big ones. We’ll finish our year strong thanks to your contributions, If you are interested in making […]