Sermons of 2025
Christmastide Larissa Shaterian’s sermon of 1-5-25 on Matthew 2:13-15,19-23. Epiphany Jonathan Oliver’s sermon of 1-12-25.
Christmastide Larissa Shaterian’s sermon of 1-5-25 on Matthew 2:13-15,19-23. Epiphany Jonathan Oliver’s sermon of 1-12-25.
Epiphany Christian’s sermon of 1-7-24 on Matthew 2:1-12. Christian’s sermon of 1-14-24 on 1 John 4:16-21. Elizabeth Nelson’s sermon of 1-21-24 on Mark 1:14-20. Rene Slataper’s sermon of 1-27-24. Christian’s sermon of 2-4-24 on St. Brigid and Mark 1:29-39. Transfiguration Christian’s sermon of 2-11-24 on Mark 9:2-9. Lent Christian’s sermon of 2-18-2024 on Mark 10:13-16. […]
Epiphany David Parsons sermon of 01-08-23 on Matthew 2:1-12. Christian’s sermon of 1-15-23 on Matthew 4:12-23. Christian’s sermon of 2-12-23 on Matthew 5:21-48. Transfiguration Christian’s sermon of 2-19-23 (Transfiguration) on Matthew 17:1-9. Ash Wednesday Billy McEntee’s sermon for Ash Wednesday — “Glitter and Ash” Lent (a sermon series on sabbath and rest) Liz Edman’s sermon […]
Christian’s sermon of 4-25-22 on Revelation 1:4-8. Christian’s sermon of 5-1-22 on Revelation 5:6-14. Jack Holloway’s sermon of May 8, 2022 on Revelation 7:9-17. Christian’s sermon of 7-25-2022 on Luke 11:1-13. Christian’s Sermon of 7-31-22 on Luke 12:13-21 (and here’s a visual image that accompanies it). Christian’s sermon of 8-7-2022 on Luke 12:32-40. Christian’s Sermon […]
Pádraig Ó Tuama’s sermon of 3-6-22 on Ruth 1. Naomi Brenman’s sermon of 3-14-22 on Ruth 2. Amelia Schonbek’s Sermon of 3-20-22 on Ruth 3. Angela Morris’s sermon of 3-28-22 on Ruth 4. Debbie Holloway’s sermon of 4-4-22 on Matthew 1:1-17. Liz Edman’s sermon of 4-10-22 (Palm Sunday) on Luke 19:28–44
Liz’s sermon of 1/9/22 on Matthew 2:1-12.
Christian’s Sermon of 11-15-21 on Isaiah 40:1-11 Christian’s Sermon of 11-22-21 on Isaiah 61:1-11 Christian’s Sermon of 11-29-21 on Baruch 5:1-9 The Rev’d Dr. Julius Carroll’s sermon for Christian’s Installation, December 5, 2021 on Zephaniah 3:14-20 Christian’s sermon for Advent V on Zephaniah 3:14-20
Here are audio recordings of sermons from the second half of 2020 ALL SAINTS, ADVENT, CHRISTMAS 2020 Christian’s sermon of 12-27-20 on Luke 2:22-40 Christian’s sermon of 12-13-20 on Isaiah 49:8-15 Suzanne Campise’s sermon of 12-06-20 on Luke 1:46-56 Heidi Wexler’s sermon of 11-30-20 on 1 Samuel 2:1-10 Debbie Holloway’s sermon of 11-23-20 on Luke […]
Here are audio recordings of sermons from the first half of 2021. EASTERTIDE 2021 Christian’s sermon of 5-24-21 on Acts 2:1-21 Christian’s sermon of 5-17-21 on Acts 1:15-26 Christian’s sermon of 5-09-21 on Acts 10:44-48 Christian’s sermon of 5-03-21 on Acts 8:26-40 Christian’s sermon of 4-26-21 on Acts 4:5-12 Christian’s sermon of 4-19-21 on Acts […]
Here are audio recordings of sermons from the summer of 2021! Christian’s sermon of 06-07-21 on Mark 3:20-35 Christian’s sermon of 06-14-21 on Mark 4:26-34 Christian’s sermon of 6-21-21 on Mark 4:35-41 Christine Geeding’s sermon of 7-05-21 on Mark 6:1-13 Linda Mandracchia’s sermon of 7-12-21 on Mark 6:14-29 Christian’s sermon of 7-26-21 on John 6:1-21 […]