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Posts Tagged 'Gospel of Luke'

Sermon: Stuck in the Middle (With You)

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “Stuck in the Middle (With You)” on her blog, Sit and Eat.  The text is Luke 24:45-53.  For anyone who’s every been stuck in the middle of anything.

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: Waiting Room

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “Waiting Room,” on her blog, Sit and Eat.  This one was preached late at night by candlelight at our Easter Vigil.

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: The Mercy of Clementine

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “The Mercy of Clementine,” and re-live your Middle School nightmares.  Fun, right?   Part of our exploration of the Gospel of Luke.

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: Estuary

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “Estuary,” on her blog, Sit and Eat.  It’s about the woman who washes Jesus’ feet with her tears and dies them with her hair, which back then was a pretty sexy thing to do.

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: I’m Not Here to be Pure

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “I’m Not Here to be Pure,” on her blog, Sit and Eat.  There may be a Downton Abbey reference, but promise, there are no spoilers.

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: Gulf

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “Gulf,” on her blog, Sit and Eat.  The text is Luke 4:14-30, the story of Jesus returning home to Nazareth.

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: On Cotton

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “On Cotton,” on her blog, Sit and Eat.  This one’s about Simeon, and that song he sings.

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: Kings vs. Shepherds

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “Kings vs. Shepherds” on her blog, Sit and Eat.  The text is Luke 2:8-20 — the story of the shepherds visit to Jesus.

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: Bright Blooms Dark Night

Read Emily’s Christmas sermon, “Bright Blooms Dark Night” on her blog, Sit and Eat.  This one has all the key ingredients: shepherds, angels, and the sweet baby Jesus, plus rumination on why we keep telling this story, anyway.  The text is Luke 2:1-7

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: Tell Me Something True

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “Tell Me Something True,” on her blog, Sit and Eat.  The text is Luke 1:58-80.  This sermon is part of our exploration of the Gospel of Luke.

Posted in: Sermons