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Posts Tagged 'Resurrection'

Sermon: Matthew 28:16-20

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “Bigger” at her blog, Sit and Eat.

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: John 21:1-14

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “Home Springs Up” at her blog, Sit and Eat.

Posted in: Sermons

Letter from (p)aul to the Lydians

Paul Thorson is a member of the St. Lydia’s community.  This week, he’s moving from New York back to his hometown of Minneapolis, MN to pursue ordination in the ELCA.  He preached this sermon last Sunday, May 29, on the text of John 21:15-25. This is a letter from (p)aul to the Lydian’s: It saddens […]

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: John 20:19-31

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “Conditional Thomas,” on her blog, Sit and Eat.

Posted in: Sermons

Sermon: Luke 24:36-49

Read Emily’s latest sermon, “We Can’t Sing That in Church,” at her blog, Sit and Eat.

Posted in: Sermons