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Posts Tagged 'Songs for Christmas'

Christmas and Epiphany Songs

Squeezebox is a place for our Song Leaders, as well as congregants, to learn the songs we sing at St. Lydia’s.  Song Leaders and all who sing, here is the music we’ll be singing at St. Lydia’s during the seasons of Christmas and Epiphany, that is, December 29 and 30, 2013, and January 5 and […]

Posted in: Songs We Sing

Songs We Sing: The Light of Christ Has Come Into the World

Squeezebox is a place for our Song Leaders, as well as congregants, to learn the songs we sing at St. Lydia’s.    We’ll sing this simple chant with a lovely little echo during the season of Christmas, and into Epiphany.  Click here to learn to lead “The Light of Christ” by Donald Fishel.

Posted in: Songs We Sing