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Songs We Sing: “Christ is Alive”

Squeezebox is a place for our Song Leaders, as well as congregants, to learn the songs we sing at St. Lydia’s.

“Christ is Alive” will be our closing hymn during the second half of the Easter Season, during the month of April.  Click here to listen to the hymn, and here to see the music.


Posted in: Songs We Sing

Songs for Epiphany, Lent, and Easter, 2013

Squeezebox is a place for our Song Leaders, as well as congregants, to learn the songs we sing at St. Lydia’s. 


Song Leaders and singers, here’s the place to find and practice ALL the music we’ll be singing during the fist few months of 2013!  Bookmark this page so that you can check in often to listen to the pieces and practice.



January 6-February 10

Gathering Song: “Arise, Shine,” by Ruth Cunningham

Candle Lighting Song: “The Light of Christ Has Come Into the World,” by Donald Fishel

Eucharistic Prayer Setting: “Ordinary Time Table Acclamation,” by Emily Scott

Prayer Song: Song Leader’s Choice

Closing Hymn: “Songs of Thankfulness and Praise,” text by Christopher Wordsworth



February 11-March 17

Gathering Song: “Iona Kyrie,” by John Bell

Candle Lighting Song: “Come Light of Lights,” by Ana Hernandez

Eucharistic Prayer Setting: “Lent Table Acclamation,” by Emily Scott

Prayer Song: Song Leader’s Choice

Closing Hymn: “What Wondrous Love is This,” from The South­ern Har­mo­ny and Mu­sic­al Com­pan­ion



March 30-April 12  

Gathering Song: “Kiev Alleluia,” Kovalyevsky Kiev Chant

Candle Lighting Song: “The Lord is My Light,” Lillian Bouknight

Eucharistic Prayer Setting: “Festive Table Acclamation,” Paul Vasile

Prayer Song: Song Leader’s Choice

Closing Hymn: “Now the Green Blade Rises,” French Carol, or “Christ is Alive

Posted in: Songs We Sing