
St. Lydia's is a church
where life is lived out
around the table

A progressive, LGBTQ-affirming congregation in the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, we are working together to dispel isolation, reconnect neighbors, and subvert the status quo.

You are very welcome here.


St. Lydia's is currently meeting for Sunday in-person services at 304 Bond Street. Pending weather, the service and meal may happen either inside or out in the back garden. We are working inside a model of rapid testing for COVID-19 when inside and unmasked, or masking when not rapid testing. Check social media or email info@stlydias.org for COVID, weather, or holiday updates!

  • Sundays: Dinner Church at 304 Bond—soft start between 5:30 and 6:00 pm. On second Sundays, Waffle Church meets at 11am

  • Wednesdays: During certain seasons, hybrid Bible/Book Study meets at 304 Bond Street and on Zoom at 7:00 p.m. ET. Check social media for schedule.

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 899 1374 6362
Passcode: 245749

For more detailed information about the life of the congregation, sign up for our weekly newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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