St. Lydia's is at
304 Bond Street
between Sackett and Union
Brooklyn, New York
We are an eight minute walk from the Union Street stop on the R, a six minute walk from the Carroll Street stop on the F/G, a 15 minute walk from Hoyt-Schermerhorn A/C, and a ~15 minute walk from several bus stops.
We have a portable ramp for small wheelchairs to ascend the step to enter the building. The bathroom is also accessible for a small wheelchair. Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate large/electric wheelchairs due to the step to enter the building and the width of our front door. If you are visiting and have questions about accessibility please email us and we will do everything we can to accommodate you.
If you are visiting from out of town, please see our guide for visitors.
Our current gathering schedule looks like this:
-Dinner Church at 304 Bond St: Sundays (soft start between 5:30-6pm). Pending weather, the service and meal may happen either inside or out in the back garden. We are working inside a model of rapid testing for COVID-19 when inside and unmasked, or masking when not rapid testing.
-Waffle Church at 304 Bond St: Second Sundays (11am). Waffle church is an intergenerational service that prioritizes that participation and leadership of children and youth. Pending weather, the service and meal may happen either inside or out in the back garden. We are working inside a model of rapid testing for COVID-19 when inside and unmasked, or masking when not rapid testing.
-Bible/Book Study: Wednesdays at 7pm ET (join either at 304 Bond or on Zoom) Note that this group is seasonal; check social media for info on schedule, breaks, and reading materials.
Dinner Church

Share in the Meal
At Dinner Church, worship takes place at the table around a big, delicious meal that we cook together. Communion is made as we share food and ourselves by exploring scripture, singing and praying together.
Tell the Story
Jesus told a lot of stories, and so do we. We tell the story of Christ’s dying and rising, and through it, uncover the daily dyings and risings that comprise our lives.
Work Together
When you arrive at St. Lydia’s, you’ll be put straight to work preparing dinner or setting the table. Working together unites us as a community and brings us closer to God.
On Sunday Nights, arrive between 5:30 and 6:00
During the pandemic, with seasons of suspended in-person services, outdoor services, and hybrid services, the St. Lydia's communtiy learned much. Here are some thoughts on what Zoom church is like, written by Naomi Brenman, St. Lydia's former community coordinator: St. Lydia's on Zoom.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dinner Church? Is that a thing?
Well, now it is! “Dinner Church” is a phrase we’ve coined to describe what we do when we gather at St. Lydia’s. Sharing a meal is a tradition from the earliest days of the church—one that we’re reviving in our practice together.
I’d like to come! Should I just show up?
Yes, just show up! If you like you can write us and we'll be expecting you. If you're visiting with a group, keep reading!
Should I bring anything?
There's no need to bring anything, though if you feel inspired to pick up dessert or a bunch of flowers, we will gladly receive them! Dessert takes place during the hubbub of cleanup, so cookies or treats that don't require plates or silverware work well. We do not serve alcohol at our meals, so please refrain from bringing wine.
When should I arrive? How long is your worship?
We begin our worship by working together to prepare the meal. Arrive any time between 5:30 and 6:00 pm on Sundays; worship concludes around 8:00 pm.
How many people usually come?
There could be anywhere from 10-25 people! We try to keep the experience intimate.
Are children welcome at Dinner Church?
Absolutely! Children of all ages are more than welcome, and will be doted on and adored by the congregation. Dinner Church runs a little late for really little ones (we usually finish worship at 8:00pm) but you’re welcome to slip out before the service is entirely over if you need to. We also have Waffle Church on the second Sunday of each month at 11am, which is geared toward children’s leadership and participation.
I have dietary restrictions. Will I be able to eat?
All of our meals are healthy and vegetarian (though not necessarily vegan). They are often gluten and lactose free, but not always. We sometimes have dessert at the end of worship. If you have allergies to particular foods or have other food-related concerns, please send us an e-mail and let us know. If you need to receive gluten free bread at the Eucharist or have a food allergy, it’s helpful if you let the coordinator know when you arrive.
I don’t drink alcohol.
We do not drink wine as a part of our meal. Grape juice and water are offered instead.
What should I wear?
Whatever you would like! Congregants tend to dress casually.
Is St. Lydia’s wheelchair accessible?
We have a portable ramp for small wheelchairs to ascend the step to enter the building. The bathroom is also accessible for a small wheelchair. Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate large/electric wheelchairs due to the step to enter the building and the width of our front door. If you are visiting and have questions about accessibility please email us and we will do everything we can to accommodate you.
I’m visiting with a group or from out of town to learn about St. Lydia’s.
St. Lydia's is a small and growing congregation, and as we've grown, we've been glad to welcome and get to know folks who come from around the country to worship with us. St. Lydia’s is an intimate experience of worship in a small space built for a group about 20 people. While we are glad for the interest that church leaders around the country have expressed in our congregation, we like to prepare for visiting groups, especially so that everyone has plenty to eat!
We ask three things of our out-of-town visitors:Sign Up In Advance
Please email in advance and let us know when you would like to visit.
Give an Offering
It takes a lot of dough to run a Dinner Church! Our operating budget includes money for rent, salaries, supplies, and of course, the food that we put on the table. Congregants who attend each week and donors from all across the country are an integral part of keeping our doors open and the lights on at St. Lydia's.
We ask that you help build St. Lydia’s by offering your support. Please click below to give a generous donation in advance of your visit.
give yourOFFERING
Invite your Group to Read These Tips
Here are a few ways to make your pilgrimage to St. Lydia’s a rich experience for you and for our congregation.
Be a participant in worship, rather than an observer.
We're here to worship together, and so are you! When you arrive at St. Lydia's, you'll be invited to help create our liturgy, by cooking in the kitchen or setting the table. Jump in! You're part of what we're doing together.
Engage in conversation during worship, saving your questions for after the service.
Our congregants come to St. Lydia's to experience the divine. Some of them come every week, others are coming for the very first time, perhaps with some fear or trepidation about attending church. They're there to build relationships and learn about God. When you're a curious visitor, it can be tempting to pepper congregants with questions. However, this can make people feel like they're being interviewed when they're just trying to worship. Please save your questions about St. Lydia's and the way we worship until after the service. The Pastor or Coordinator will be happy to speak with you then.
At the dinner table, we invite you to simply engage those around you in casual conversation. "Where are you from?" "How long have you lived in New York?" and "What were you up to this week?" are all great conversation starters.
Do some reading in advance.
There are a number of resources available that can help you learn about St. Lydia's in advance of your visit. This article in Faith and Leadership describes how we got started, and this interview may be helpful to you. We also recommend this longer radio interview on Spiritually Speaking, in which our founding Pastor describes the process of St. Lydia's getting off the ground.
If you're interested in how we plan our worship, you can look at our script. Our blog is also a treasure trove of information. "Squeezebox" is a section where we post all the music we sing in worship. There are blog posts about our practice of singing here and here. If you're interested in our governance system, check out our Rule of Life.
Enjoy yourself.
We’re glad you’re here, and are looking forward to getting to know you and worshipping with you too. Thank you for visiting, and thank you for your support!
Why is your worship centered around a meal?
Worship at St. Lydia’s is based on the worship in the Early Church. In the second and third centuries, Christians gathered for sacred meals they called the Eucharist (a Greek word that means “thanksgiving”). Jesus and many of his first followers were Jewish, so the meals were related to Jewish Sabbath supper and Seder meals, and involved blessing bread and a cup. The meals shared by these early Christians were the great-great grandparent of our modern Eucharist, also called Communion or the Lord’s Supper.
Is this meal a Eucharist?
Yes. We bless our meal with an early Eucharistic prayer from the Didache, a second century Christian text. Our presider chants the prayer. The congregation sings responses during the blessing, then shares the bread with each other.
Waffle Church

Sticky Faith for Friends and Families
A worship service that lifts up childrens' leadership and participation, Waffle Church invites everyone to get a little messy along the way.
Waffle Church is made of songs, stories, construction paper, maple syrup, and the love of Jesus.
Waffle Church takes place every second Sunday of the Month
coffee's hot at 10:30 am
service begins at 11:00 am
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I arrive?
Worship begins at 11am. Arrive anytime after 10:30am to have a cup of coffee, familiarize yourself with the space, or help stir waffle batter.
What happens at a Waffle Church service?
We sing and pray and hear the stories of Scripture. We celebrate communion by sharing bread and cup, then continue the celebration with waffles. Then we sing some more and clean-up the space before going on our way. There is often movement, and sometimes an invitation to visual art. Children and adults are invited to participate in every aspect of Waffle Church.
Why waffles?
Most everyone loves waffles; they are easy to make; they are delicious. Especially our waffles. Our volunteer waffle chefs makes the batter from scratch- traditional waffles, savory waffle, sweet waffles, sometimes gluten free waffles! Waffles actually trace their roots back to the iron used to prepare communion wafers for the church in medieval Europe. What a coincidence!
Is Waffle Church just for families and children?
Waffle Church is for everybody! All ages. Come alone. Come with friends. Come with a partner, a child, or a whole group.
We may not all have children, but we have all BEEN children.
My child is squirmy. Is there something for them to do during Waffle Church?
Children (and adults) are invited to move around the space during worship. We have chairs and rugs and floor pillows. We have soft toys and books and crayons always available. And our worship is interactive, with music and movement and participation and often art.
Is there communion? Are kids invited to join?
There is communion at every Waffle Church. We share the bread and cup together, and all are invited to the table of welcome. Children are particularly curious about communion and often gather close to hear the story and see the breaking of the bread and the sharing of the cup.
Is the space equipped for really young children?
We hope so. There is a changing table in the bathroom, booster seats, covers on the outlets, and age-appropriate toys. There is also space for storing foldable strollers.
I have dietary restrictions. Will I be able to eat?
If you have particular dietary restrictions that you are concerned about, please let us know! We do our best to provide options- especially if you let us know in advance of your restrictions.
For communion, we use grape juice, not wine.
My child has special needs. What do I need to know?
Everyone is a child of God and welcome in worship. Your child is invited to participate in the way they know how. If it would be helpful to communicate with us ahead of time about your child’s needs, please email us and we’ll do our best to welcome your child.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever you would like! There is no dress code at Waffle Church, but we do sometimes use paint and other potentially messy materials (always non-toxic and washable).
How long does Waffle Church last?
Worship begins at 11am and usually concludes by 12:30pm. Worship encompasses our waffle-eating and even our shared clean-up. If you need to leave early (for a nap or other engagement), you are welcome to do so.
Like what we're up to? SUPPORT ST. LYDIA'SSt. Lydia's is at
304 Bond Street
between Sacket and Union
Brooklyn, New York
We are an eight minute walk from the Union Street stop on the R, a six minute walk from the Carroll Street stop on the F/G, a 15 minute walk from the Hoyt-Schermerhorn A/C, and a ~20 minute walk from several bus stops.
We have a portable ramp for small wheelchairs to ascend the step to enter the building. The bathroom is also accessible for a small wheelchair. Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate large/electric wheelchairs due to the step to enter the building and the width of our front door. If you are visiting and have questions about accessibility please email us and we will do everything we can to accommodate you.
If you’re visiting from out of town, please be sure to sign up in advance and read our guide for visitors.
Dinner Church

Share in the Meal
At Dinner Church, worship takes place at the table around a big, delicious meal that we cook together. Communion is made as we share food and ourselves by exploring scripture, singing and praying together.
Tell the Story
Jesus told a lot of stories, and so do we. We tell the story of Christ’s dying and rising, and through it, uncover the daily dyings and risings that comprise our lives.
Work Together
When you arrive at St. Lydia’s, you’ll be put straight to work preparing dinner or setting the table. Working together unites us as a community and brings us closer to God.
Sunday Nights, arrive between 5:30 and 6:00
Monday Nights, arrive on Zoom at 7:00
During this season with in-person services suspended, the St. Lydia's communtiy has learned much. Here are some thoughts written by Naomi Brenman, former St. Lydia's community coordinator: St. Lydia's on Zoom.
Frequently Asked Questions
Dinner Church? Is that a thing?
Well, now it is! “Dinner Church” is a phrase we’ve coined to describe what we do when we gather at St. Lydia’s. Sharing a meal is a tradition from the earliest days of the church—one that we’re reviving in our practice together.
I’d like to come! Should I just show up?
Yes, just show up! If you like you can write us and we'll be expecting you. If you're visiting with a group, keep reading!
Should I bring anything?
There's no need to bring anything, though if you feel inspired to pick up dessert or a bunch of flowers, we will gladly receive them! Dessert takes place during the hubbub of cleanup, so cookies or treats that don't require plates or silverware work well. We do not serve alcohol at our meals, so please refrain from bringing wine.
When should I arrive? How long is your worship?
We begin our worship by working together to prepare the meal. Arrive any time between 5:30 and 6:00 pm on Sundays. Worship concludes around 8:00 pm.
How many people usually come?
There could be anywhere from 10-25 people. We try to keep the experience intimate.
Are children welcome at Dinner Church?
Absolutely! Children of all ages are more than welcome, and will be doted on and adored by the congregation. Dinner Church runs a little late for really little ones (we usually finish worship at 8:00 on Sundays) but you’re welcome to slip out before the service is entirely over if you need to. We also have Waffle Church on the second Sunday of each month at 11am, which is geared toward children’s leadership and participation.
I have dietary restrictions. Will I be able to eat?
All of our meals are healthy and vegetarian (but not vegan). They are often gluten and lactose free, but not always. We often have dessert at the end of worship during announcements. If you have allergies to particular foods or have other food-related concerns, please send us an e-mail and let us know. If you need to receive gluten free bread at the Eucharist, it’s helpful if you let the coordinator know when you arrive.
I don’t drink alcohol.
We do not drink wine as a part of our meal. Grape juice and water are offered instead.
What should I wear?
Whatever you would like! Congregants tend to dress casually.
Is St. Lydia’s wheelchair accessible?
We have a portable ramp for small wheelchairs to ascend the step to enter the building. The bathroom is also accessible for a small wheelchair. Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate large/electric wheelchairs due to the step to enter the building and the width of our front door. If you are visiting and have questions about accessibility please email us and we will do everything we can to accommodate you.
I’m visiting with a group or from out of town to learn about St. Lydia’s.
St. Lydia's is a small and growing congregation, and as we've grown, we've been glad to welcome and get to know folks who come from around the country to worship with us. However, as the number of visitors has increased, we've needed to be mindful of the impact this has on the congregation. St. Lydia’s is an intimate experience of worship. It takes place in a small space built for a group of about 20 people. While we are glad for the interest that church leaders around the country have expressed in our congregation, we need to balance the needs of our congregation with those of visiting groups.
In order to accommodate these needs, we ask three things of our visitors from out of town:Sign Up In Advance
Please email in advance and let us know when you would like to visit.
Give an Offering
It takes a lot of dough to run a Dinner Church! Our operating budget includes money for rent, salaries, supplies, and of course, the food that we put on the table. Congregants who attend each week and donors from all across the country are an integral part of keeping our doors open and the lights on at St. Lydia's.
We ask that you help build St. Lydia’s by offering your support. Please click below to give a generous donation in advance of your visit.
give yourOFFERING
Invite your Group to Read These Tips
Here are a few ways to make your pilgrimage to St. Lydia’s a rich experience for you and for our congregation.
Be a participant in worship, rather than an observer.
We're here to worship together, and so are you! When you arrive at St. Lydia's, you'll be invited to help create our liturgy, by cooking in the kitchen or setting the table. Jump in! You're part of what we're doing together.
Engage in conversation during worship, saving your questions for after the service.
Our congregants come to St. Lydia's to experience the divine. Some of them come every week, others are coming for the very first time, perhaps with some fear or trepidation about attending church. They're there to build relationships and learn about God. When you're a curious visitor, it can be tempting to pepper congregants with questions. However, this can make people feel like they're being interviewed when they're just trying to worship. Please save your questions about St. Lydia's and the way we worship until after the service. The Pastor or Coordinator will be happy to speak with you then.
At the dinner table, we invite you to simply engage those around you in casual conversation. "Where are you from?" "How long have you lived in New York?" and "What were you up to this week?" are all great conversation starters.
Do some reading in advance.
There are a number of resources available that can help you learn about St. Lydia's in advance of your visit. This article in Faith and Leadership describes how we got started, and this interview may be helpful to you. We also recommend this longer radio interview on Spiritually Speaking, in which our founding Pastor describes the process of St. Lydia's getting off the ground.
If you're interested in how we plan our worship, you can look at our script. Our blog is also a treasure trove of information. "Squeezebox" is a section where we post all the music we sing in worship. There are blog posts about our practice of singing here and here. If you're interested in our governance system, check out our Rule of Life.
Enjoy yourself.
We’re glad you’re here, and are looking forward to getting to know you and worshipping with you too. Thank you for visiting, and thank you for your support!
Why is your worship centered around a meal?
Worship at St. Lydia’s is based on the worship in the Early Church. In the second and third centuries, Christians gathered for sacred meals they called the Eucharist (a Greek word that means “thanksgiving”). Jesus and many of his first followers were Jewish, so the meals were related to Jewish Sabbath supper and Seder meals, and involved blessing bread and a cup. The meals shared by these early Christians were the great-great grandparent of our modern Eucharist, also called Communion or the Lord’s Supper.
Is this meal a Eucharist?
Yes. We bless our meal with an early Eucharistic prayer from the Didache, a second century Christian text. Our presider chants the prayer. The congregation sings responses during the blessing, then shares the bread with each other.
Waffle Church

Sticky Faith for Friends and Families
A worship service that lifts up childrens' leadership and participation, Waffle Church invites everyone to get a little messy along the way.
Waffle Church is made of songs, stories, construction paper, maple syrup, and the love of Jesus.
Waffle Church takes place every second Sunday of the Month
coffee's hot at 10:30 am
service begins at 11:00 am
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I arrive?
Worship begins at 11am. Arrive anytime after 10:30am to have a cup of coffee, familiarize yourself with the space, or help stir waffle batter.
What happens at a Waffle Church service?
We sing and pray and hear the stories of Scripture. We celebrate communion by sharing bread and cup, then continue the celebration with waffles. Then we sing some more and clean-up the space before going on our way. There is often movement, and sometimes an invitation to visual art. Children and adults are invited to participate in every aspect of Waffle Church.
Why waffles?
Most everyone loves waffles; they are easy to make; they are delicious. Especially our waffles. Our volunteer waffle chefs makes the batter from scratch- traditional waffles, gluten free waffles, and sometimes mashed potato or brownie waffles. Waffles actually trace their roots back to the iron used to prepare communion wafers for the church in medieval Europe. What a coincidence!
Is Waffle Church just for families and children?
Waffle Church is for everybody! All ages. Come alone. Come with friends. Come with a partner, a child, or a whole group.
We may not all have children, but we have all BEEN children.
My child is squirmy. Is there something for her/him to do during Waffle Church?
Children (and adults) are invited to move around the space during worship. We have chairs and rugs and floor pillows. We have soft toys and books and crayons always available. And our worship is interactive, with music and movement and participation and often art.
Is there communion? Are kids invited to join?
There is communion at every Waffle Church. We share the bread and cup together, and all are invited to the table of welcome. Children are particularly curious about communion and often gather closest to the table to hear the story and see the breaking of the bread and the sharing of the cup.
Is the space equipped for really young children?
We hope so. There is a changing table in the bathroom, booster seats, covers on all of the outlets, and age-appropriate toys. There is also space for storing foldable strollers.
I have dietary restrictions. Will I be able to eat?
If you have particular dietary restrictions that you are concerned about, please let us know! We do our best to provide options- we serve gluten-free waffles (though not gluten-free communion bread) and often have fruit salad, as well.
For communion, we use grape juice, not wine.
My child has special needs. What do I need to know?
Everyone is a child of God and welcome in worship. Your child is invited to participate in the way they know how. If it would be helpful to communicate with us ahead of time about your child’s needs, please email us and we’ll do our best to welcome your child.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever you would like! There is no dress code at Waffle Church, but we do sometimes use paint and other potentially messy materials (always non-toxic and washable).
How long does Waffle Church last?
Worship begins at 11am and usually concludes by 12:30pm. Worship encompasses our waffle-eating and even our shared clean-up. If you need to leave early (for a nap or other engagement), you are welcome to do so.
Like what we're up to? SUPPORT ST. LYDIA'S