People of Faith Against Hate and Gun Violence



St. Lydia’s grieves with LGBTQ kindred in the wake of the worst mass shooting in our nation’s history at Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

As Christians, we follow a God of love, not a God of hate, and are called to live in ways of love in the world, rejecting homophobia, islamophobia, racism, and hatred of all kinds.

We are called to be agents of change in the world, protecting those who are vulnerable and working to create a nation in which all people might live in safety and security, freely living out their God-given identities.

Call Your Representative 

Calling your representatives makes a difference. At many congressional offices, the staff prepares a daily report, tracking the phone calls, emails, letters and faxes, tracking where people fall on issues.

If you live in New York, these are your Senators:

Kristen Gillibrand, New York Senator


Charles Schumer, New York Senator


You can look up your Congressional Representative by clicking here.

If you don’t live in New York, you can look up your Senators by clicking here.
You can learn about how your Senator voted on background checks in 2015 here, and if they’ve donated to the NRA here.


Here’s What To Say

Sometimes it helps to have some words to begin with. Make this message your own, and if you have a personal story, share it briefly, but here’s a place to start.

“Hi. My name is ____________ and I’m a resident of ____________ and one of your constituents.

I am calling to urge Senator/Congressperson _____________ to support laws that limit civilian access to firearms in our nation. During this calendar year there have been 133 mass shootings in our country. The most deadly shooting in our history occurred this week, targeting LGBTQ people. Easy access to military grade weapons means that hateful acts have a terrible toll.

As a person of faith, I believe that easy access to lethal weapons puts our citizens at risk and creates a culture that idolizes violence. I am calling on Senator/Congressperson __________ to ensure that background checks be conducted on all private sales of firearms, to close the loopholes in our background check laws, and to renew the federal Assault Weapons Ban. Gun control measures are supported by over 90% of Americans.

I urge you to vote to disarm hatred and keep dangerous people from buying guns.

Thank you so much for your time.


Send a Letter 

Letters carry even more weight than phone calls!

You can sign a letter at Dinner Church at St. Lydia’s this week and we’ll mail it for you.

Or you can adapt the sample letter and send it off in the mail. 



You can tweet the Senators who held the floor in a filibuster to end gun violence and close the loopholes on background checks laws. Hearing support from citizens encourages them to keep working hard. Their handles are:








June 15, 2016

People of Faith Against Hate and Gun Violence



St. Lydia’s grieves with LGBTQ kindred in the wake of the worst mass shooting in our nation’s history at Pulse nightclub in Orlando.

As Christians, we follow a God of love, not a God of hate, and are called to live in ways of love in the world, rejecting homophobia, islamophobia, racism, and hatred of all kinds.

We are called to be agents of change in the world, protecting those who are vulnerable and working to create a nation in which all people might live in safety and security, freely living out their God-given identities.

Call Your Representative 

Calling your representatives makes a difference. At many congressional offices, the staff prepares a daily report, tracking the phone calls, emails, letters and faxes, tracking where people fall on issues.

If you live in New York, these are your Senators:

Kristen Gillibrand, New York Senator


Charles Schumer, New York Senator


You can look up your Congressional Representative by clicking here.

If you don’t live in New York, you can look up your Senators by clicking here.
You can learn about how your Senator voted on background checks in 2015 here, and if they’ve donated to the NRA here.


Here’s What To Say

Sometimes it helps to have some words to begin with. Make this message your own, and if you have a personal story, share it briefly, but here’s a place to start.

“Hi. My name is ____________ and I’m a resident of ____________ and one of your constituents.

I am calling to urge Senator/Congressperson _____________ to support laws that limit civilian access to firearms in our nation. During this calendar year there have been 133 mass shootings in our country. The most deadly shooting in our history occurred this week, targeting LGBTQ people. Easy access to military grade weapons means that hateful acts have a terrible toll.

As a person of faith, I believe that easy access to lethal weapons puts our citizens at risk and creates a culture that idolizes violence. I am calling on Senator/Congressperson __________ to ensure that background checks be conducted on all private sales of firearms, to close the loopholes in our background check laws, and to renew the federal Assault Weapons Ban. Gun control measures are supported by over 90% of Americans.

I urge you to vote to disarm hatred and keep dangerous people from buying guns.

Thank you so much for your time.


Send a Letter 

Letters carry even more weight than phone calls!

You can sign a letter at Dinner Church at St. Lydia’s this week and we’ll mail it for you.

Or you can adapt the sample letter and send it off in the mail. 



You can tweet the Senators who held the floor in a filibuster to end gun violence and close the loopholes on background checks laws. Hearing support from citizens encourages them to keep working hard. Their handles are:








June 15, 2016